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Entdecke die Kia Modelle

{{ 'eu-explorerange-filter-title-vehicle-type' | i18n }}

  • {{ 'eu-explorerange-filter-title-price' | i18n }}

    {{ minValue }} {{ maxValue }}

    {{ currency }}


    {{ currency }}

    {{ currency }}


    {{ currency }}

  • {{ 'eu-explorerange-filter-title-engine' | i18n }}

  • {{ 'eu-explorerange-filter-title-doors-seats' | i18n }}

    {{ 'eu-explorerange-filter-title-doors' | i18n }}

    {{ 'eu-explorerange-filter-title-seats' | i18n }}

  • {{ 'eu-explorerange-filter-title-drivetrain' | i18n }}

  • {{ 'eu-explorerange-filter-title-transmission' | i18n }}

  • {{ product.modelName }}

    {{ product.middleTitle }}

    {{ product.desc }}
    {{ product.alt }}
    {{img.alt || ''}}
    {{ 'eu-model-nedc' | i18n }} - {{product.nedcText.text}}
    {{imgObj.alt || ''}}
    WLTP - {{product.wltpText.text}}
    WLTP - {{'eu-configurator-electricity-consumption' | i18n }} {{product.evEfficiencyCombined}} {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-electric_unit' | i18n}}; {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-co2' | i18n}} {{product.wltpCombinedCO2}} {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-co2_unit' | i18n}}; {{'eu-configurator-energyLabel' | i18n}} {{product.energyLabel}}. {{'eu-configurator-electric-range-upto' | i18n}} {{product.evAllElectricRangeWLTPCombined}} {{'eu-usedcars-select-km' | i18n}} {{'eu-configurator-electric-range' | i18n}} WLTP - {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-weighted-combined' | i18n }} {{(product.minWeightedConsumptionCombined === product.maxWeightedConsumptionCombined) ? product.maxWeightedConsumptionCombined : product.minWeightedConsumptionCombined + ' - ' + product.maxWeightedConsumptionCombined}} {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-combined_unit' | i18n}}; {{'eu-configurator-combined-power-consumption' | i18n}} {{(product.minEvEfficiencyCombined === product.maxEvEfficiencyCombined) ? product.maxEvEfficiencyCombined : product.minEvEfficiencyCombined + ' - ' + product.maxEvEfficiencyCombined}} {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-electric_unit' | i18n}}; {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-weighted-co2' | i18n}} {{(product.minWeightedCo2Combined === product.maxWeightedCo2Combined) ? product.maxWeightedCo2Combined : product.minWeightedCo2Combined + ' - ' + product.maxWeightedCo2Combined}} {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-co2_unit' | i18n}}; {{'eu-configurator-energyLabel' | i18n}} {{(product.minEnergyLabel === product.maxEnergyLabel) ? product.maxEnergyLabel : product.minEnergyLabel + ' - ' + product.maxEnergyLabel}}. {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-battery-combined' | i18n}} {{(product.minWltpCombinedFuelConsumption === product.maxWltpCombinedFuelConsumption) ? product.maxWltpCombinedFuelConsumption : product.minWltpCombinedFuelConsumption + ' - ' + product.maxWltpCombinedFuelConsumption}} {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-combined_unit' | i18n}}; {{'eu-configurator-batteryLabel' | i18n}} {{(product.minBatteryLabel === product.maxBatteryLabel) ? product.maxBatteryLabel : product.minBatteryLabel + ' - ' + product.maxBatteryLabel}}. {{'eu-configurator-phev-range-upto' | i18n}} {{(product.minEvAllElectricRangeWLTPCombined === product.maxEvAllElectricRangeWLTPCombined) ? product.maxEvAllElectricRangeWLTPCombined : product.minEvAllElectricRangeWLTPCombined + ' - ' + product.maxEvAllElectricRangeWLTPCombined}} {{'eu-usedcars-select-km' | i18n}}. WLTP - {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-combined' | i18n}} {{product.wltpCombinedFuelConsumption}} {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-combined_unit' | i18n}}; {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-co2' | i18n}} {{product.wltpCombinedCO2}} {{'eu-wltp-fuel-consumption-co2_unit' | i18n}}; {{'eu-configurator-energyLabel' | i18n}} {{product.energyLabel}}.
    {{ product.reevoo.score }}Out of 10 Read {{ product.reevoo.read | number:0 }} Reviews {{ product.reevoo.score }}Out of 10 Read {{ product.reevoo.read | number:0 }} Reviews

    {{ product.disclaimer }}

  • {{ product.modelName }}

    ; ; .  
    / ; ; .
    ; ; .

  • {{ product.modelName }}

    ; ; .  
    ; ; ; . ; .  
    ; ; .

Angaben zu Verbrauch und Emission

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** Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung der Kia Deutschland GmbH

**** Die individuelle Fahrweise, Geschwindigkeit, Außentemperatur, Topografie und Nutzung elektrischer Verbraucher haben Einfluss auf die tatsächliche Reichweite und können diese u. U. reduzieren bzw. sogar erhöhen. Die Werte wurden nach dem vorgeschriebenen EU-Messverfahren ermittelt.